Donnie Yen mook yan jong (muk jong) for Ip Man 3!

Wing Chun forms from Vietnam which includes forms not found in Hong Kong Wing Chun. Some interesting differences are animal forms and more snake hand type movements.
Youtube has a few videos posted now on the “Advanced Siu Lim Tao” form found in a few lineages. One thing you may notice is they may all appear “different” (or different levels of experience). Working directly with your sifu can help learn forms properly in addition to more than just the form’s memorization of movements. Videos and books are great reference tools, learning from a Sifu will help maximize your efforts.
Possible upcoming reality Wing Chun Kung Fu vs MMA reality show with Grandmaster William Cheung.
If your interested learning Traditional Wing Chun (Ip Man & William Cheung) style Kung Fu, come train!