Wooden Dummy (Muk/Mook Jong)
Bart Cham Dao (butterfly swords):
Chum Kiu Form
Siu Lim Tao Form:
Bil Jee Form:

Wooden Dummy (Muk/Mook Jong)
Bart Cham Dao (butterfly swords):
Chum Kiu Form
Siu Lim Tao Form:
Bil Jee Form:
Youtube has a few videos posted now on the “Advanced Siu Lim Tao” form found in a few lineages. One thing you may notice is they may all appear “different” (or different levels of experience). Working directly with your sifu can help learn forms properly in addition to more than just the form’s memorization of movements. Videos and books are great reference tools, learning from a Sifu will help maximize your efforts.
An article from the late Chu Shong Tin “King of Siu Lim Tao”. This is the first form taught in Wing Chun classes to students.
The important points of Siu Nim Tau can be grouped as follows:
The structure of the moves
The moves to be controlled by the mind
The input of mind force
The theory of center line
Siu Lim Tao (Shil Lim Tao) form in slow motion. Stop in for a class in our Butler/Milwaukee studio to learn Wing Chun Kung Fu. This is the first form in the Wing Chun system to learn. Often the form is performed this slow even without digital slow motion.