Wooden Dummy (Muk/Mook Jong)
Bart Cham Dao (butterfly swords):
Chum Kiu Form
Siu Lim Tao Form:
Bil Jee Form:

Wooden Dummy (Muk/Mook Jong)
Bart Cham Dao (butterfly swords):
Chum Kiu Form
Siu Lim Tao Form:
Bil Jee Form:
Siu Lim Tao (Shil Lim Tao) form in slow motion. Stop in for a class in our Butler/Milwaukee studio to learn Wing Chun Kung Fu. This is the first form in the Wing Chun system to learn. Often the form is performed this slow even without digital slow motion.
This site offers an unique perspective on the wooden dummy form; wooden dummy application, empty hands form/in the air and a combat application of each movement. This is the Ip Chun 116 movements form.
bong sao wooden dummy application